
Monday, March 26, 2012

What I've learned so far...

Patience. I believe that is one of the things you need to learn as a writer. That, and how to take criticism.

Once you finish a manuscript, you get so excited you want to query it immediately, but you can't! Oh no, no. That is a big, fat NO. Sure, everything sounds great to you, and you read it about a million times, but it's never complete until you get other opinions. After looking at the thousands of words for so long, your eyes start memorizing and skipping over things that others will catch for you. It's also important to have a Critique Partner to tell you to take out the word vomit you spewed all over the page just to add on a couple hundred words. Your CP's and Beta readers will tell you if your characters are realistic, if there's any plot holes, and if the story itself is any good. You have to be realistic. There will almost always be something wrong with your manuscript, whether it's a big deal or nothing but small grammar issues.

So far, I've been really lucky. My CP helped me tighten up DROWNING BAILEY, and let me tell you, it needed it. I had some wonderful Betas that read it over the last few weeks, and an awesome friend who offered to edit it for me. Seriously, I have some truly talented people in my life. (Thanks, Twitter!)

I used to think that when an agent says, "Please query when your manuscript is in the best possible shape," that it meant when you, yourself, have reread and edited it as much as possible. What a newb! As if I could prep a publish-ready-manuscript all by myself. It's all about having a team of friend's who are in the same boat as you, who understand you, and who support you the whole way. Everything takes time, and you have to be ready to sit and wait. This is a good thing. You don't want someone to rush through your manuscript as if they'd hardly given it the time of day. You want those people who are going to sit down, absorb your words, and critique it little by little.

Yes, I am anxious to get DROWNING BAILEY in the slush pile, but I'm thankful that I've taken the steps needed to make it as good as it can be. And you'll feel that way too. Just remember...patience.

Friday, March 23, 2012


The critique process is complete, and now it is time to send it off to Beta readers. Of course, revisions are never over until the manuscript has been printed, but I have some wonderful people who are going to dive into the world of Bailey Green and tell me what they think.

My eyes are exhausted and in need of sleep. Until next time!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Process

As of now, I am finishing up on my critiques and getting everything ready for the query process. I'm taking it slow this time around, as I've been known to rush this process in the past, and being that this is THE most important process, rushing it is no good. I've sent my query in for critiquing and when I receive the last few pages from my CP, I will get started.

I'm extremely excited and very nervous. This manuscript means a great deal to me and deep down I feel like this story could be "the one." Before I query, I do intend to send it out to Beta readers to make sure it is up to par. I'm lucky to have a reader who is an awesome teenager who gives amazing feedback. Best way to test your YA ms is to test it on the age bracket you're writing it for, right?

That's what I've been up to. If you haven't checked out the excerpt of DROWNING BAILEY, you can find it in the projects section. Please leave feedback! I'd love to hear what you think.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Big Reveal

Wanna read the plot and an excerpt from my new YA Horror, DROWNING BAILEY? Click here!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Title

With the help of my amazing critique partner, Randa, we've figured out the perfect title for my new YA Horror. And I mean, we literally just figured it out, two seconds ago on Twitter. LOL! Coming up with a title is the hardest thing in the world for me. The more we tossed it around, the more we loved it. So here you go!

The title of my new manuscript is:

*drum roll please*


Doesn't it have a nice, dark ring to it?

I am jumping up and down, I just love it so much! I'm working on a synopsis to share with you. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Liebster Award

Thank you Bethany for the Liebster Award!

It's an award given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers, which helps other bloggers find their blog.

I realize my blog is slightly boring, but I promise I'll try to fix it up soon!

The rules for accepting the award are as follows:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.
2. Nominate up to 5 others for the Liebster Award. 
3. Let said bloggers know via comment on their blog.
4. Post the award on your blog.
5. Consider signing up for the A - Z Challenge. It's a great way to find new and interesting blogs. 

I'd like to give the award to these ladies:
1. Julie
2. Randa
3. Johanna
4. Cindi
5. Stephanie


I'm in the process of fixing up a short blurb of my YA Horror, so I can put it up on thee blog. I can't wait to share the idea with you!

So far, my critique partner has gotten through seven chapters and she is loving it! It's always a great feeling when another writer gets excited about something I've written. I am dying with anticipation to hear what she thinks the further she goes along.

Stay tuned!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Out with the old, In with the new

I decided to move on from my YA urban fantasy manuscript I was querying. As much as I hate to put it away, it seems necessary for the time being. I intend to go back to it after I've completed my recent manuscript. As of now, I've finished the first draft of my YA paranormal, and it's been sent off to my critique partner; while I wait anxiously for her feedback.

It's been a bit since I've updated, so I thought I'd stop by really quick. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!