
Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Finish Line

Nothing beats that feeling of accomplishment after you finish a manuscript. Whether it's your first draft or your tenth, you walk away knowing your manuscript is only getting better and better. Sure it's gotta go through a few CPs and get ripped apart along the way but that's the beauty of it. How else will your manuscript get to where it should be?

I couldn't wait to get THE GATEWAY THROUGH WHICH THEY CAME into the hands of my critique partners. The idea that someone else gets to read my words and get to know my characters is exciting. They see things that I can't and knowing that their feedback is gonna make this story everything it needs to be gets me hyped. It's a little scary sometimes because you're afraid they'll hate it or pick it bone dry until your soul feels ripped to shreds. But they wouldn't tell you the truth if they didn't care about you and your manuscript. Those are the type of people that'll help you succeed.

So. As I wait anxiously for their feedback, and prepare myself to jump back into the drafting trenches, I'm gonna enjoy this moment of knowing that I've completed yet another story. And you know what? I feel pretty damn good about that.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Reading Challenge

I found this link on my Goodreads profile and thought I'd give it a try. It's easy to fall behind on reading and I always end up kicking myself for missing out on so many amazing books. The 2013 Reading Challenge looked like a fun to way to keep up with all the fabulous book releases, and even catch up on some I should have read a long time ago. *cough* The Fault in Our Stars *cough* 

So I'm challenging myself to read AT LEAST fifty books this year. That doesn't sound like much, but with the hustle and bustle of things it seemed like a decent goal. And if I end up reading a hundred books, well, I'll just have to high five myself. 

How about it? Give yourself a challenge. What's your reading goal for 2013? 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


If you haven't yet, you can now add me on Pinterest!
You'll find sneak peeks at ideas and storyboards for my current manuscripts. This is huge for me because I'm usually Top Secret. I try to check it every other day, so if you follow me, I'll be sure to follow you back! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

A New Year is a Fresh Start

Happy New Year! I've been neglecting my blog and I feel just awful about it. Things were getting pretty hectic for a minute with NaNo in November and the kick off of Pitch Wars in December. Even though I was still interacting a bit on Twitter, I took a semi-break from social networks last month. Things in real life were getting crazy and I was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. Usually I'm so good at balancing everything and keeping up on my online presence, but I just couldn't hang.

So I'm back!

I can't promise that I'll update the blog as much as I should, but I am on Twitter quite a bit and I'm still blogging over at The Secret Life of Writers. We'll be starting back up on Monday January 7th.

As for me, I've been working on a few manuscripts, which has put a damper on my reading. If you follow me on Twitter then you know all about our new awesome apartment. We don't get to move in for another month, but we're really excited and anxious to start fresh. Along with moving, I've been thinking a lot about my career outside of writing and considering some changes in that aspect as well. That alone is pretty scary.

Several things are changing in my personal life, and it's left me feeling anxious and exhilarated. This year is going to bring a lot of changes and challenges, so I'm hoping that as it progresses I'll have more to share with you. I'll keep you updated as much as I can along the way.
